Short CV
Vayanna Makri holds a BSc degree in Geology and GeoEnvironment from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and two MSc degrees; one in Petroleum Engineering from the Technical University of Crete and one in Integrated Petroleum Geoscience from the University of Aberdeen. Currently she is a PhD student at the Technical University of Crete, School of Mineral Resources Engineering, in collaboration with the Institute of GeoEnergy (FORTH/IG) (PhD Thesis: Modelling and kinetic analysis of the thermal maturity of kerogen in Western Greece and its correlation to the prevailing palaeoenvironmental conditions).
Her research focuses on basin and petroleum system analysis, more specifically on basin modelling, geochemical applications in source rock and oil characterization, chemometrics and sedimentology. Yet, her interests cover also static - dynamic reservoir modelling and reservoir and seal studies relative to subsurface gas storage, while she aims to achieve a multi-disciplinary approach in her research combining interrelated fields such as geology, geochemistry and paleo-climatology.
Vayanna Makri has taken place in an Erasmus+ exchange program during her BSc studies at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, while she has also completed her internship at the Ministry of Environment and Energy in Athens, Greece. Additionally, she has completed a traineeship at ARCEx (Research Center for Arctic Petroleum Exploration) in Tromsø, Norway, while during 2021 she worked for Capricorn Energy (former Cairn Energy) within the G&G team as a Geoscientist. Last of all, she has so far presented three proceeding papers at international conferences (EAGE, RawMat).